Receiving Money

What is a receiving account?
Receiving accounts allow your business to receive payments exclusively from approved marketplaces and businesses. This means you’ll be able to receive funds to your Zyla Account via bank transfer from approved marketplace and business same name bank accounts.
What is a currency account?
Your currency account is the pooled balance of all your receiving accounts. For example, if you receive 100 USD into one receiving account and 100 USD into another, your total USD currency account balance will be 200 USD.
How do I open a new receiving account?
If you need a receiving account, follow the below steps:
  1. Go to your ‘Dashboard’
  2. Click/tap the quick link marked ‘Collection
  3. Add a new Receiving Account
How many receiving accounts can I open?
You can open up to 10 receiving accounts in any currency denomination we offer. If you need additional receiving accounts, please contact our Customer Service team, who will be happy to help.
Which currencies can my receiving account accept?
With Zyla, you can receive 10+ currencies into locally domiciled accounts.
Who can I receive payments from?
You can receive payments from a variety of sources, including:
  • Online marketplaces/payment gateways
  • Your own company or personal bank account
  • Sole-proprietors: receive payments from approved marketplaces, and your own personal bank account.
  • Any other business type: receive incoming payments from approved marketplaces and your own personal bank account.
Please note: we might request additional information before we can apply a payment to your account. Supporting documents can be in relation to inbound credit, such as invoices or contracts. This is to help protect your account from fraud.
Who is a ‘payer’ and how do I add one?
A ‘payer’ is the person or company paying funds into your receiving account. You can add yourself as a payer in the portal. Simply follow these steps:
  1. Go to ‘Collections’
  2. Select the ‘Payers’ tab
  3. Add a payer
Why have I been asked to provide further information on a payment I’ve received?
You may need to provide additional information before we can credit funds to your Zyla Account. This is to help protect your account from fraud. When prompted please answer a few brief questions and/or supply any supporting documentation that may be required through the portal by following these steps:
  1. Go to ‘Collection’
  2. Select ‘Funds received’
  3. Click/tap ‘Verify’
Whilst we review your information and/or supporting documentation the funds will be listed as ‘Unavailable’. Once we’ve completed our verification processes, your funds will be accessible and ready for use and the status will change to ‘Success’.

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