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We help businesses pay and get paid

We support US businesses with their payment needs. With 100+ marketplace connections, access to multiple local currency accounts and low fees for domestic and international payments.

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When it comes to cross-border trade, we believe in supporting enterprises on their journey to success.

Seamless API integration for mass payouts, low fees and competitive rates across multiple currencies help keep costs down and business moving.

Small businesses

If you sell on marketplaces, trade globally or make overseas payments, you’ll know the importance of speed and security.

Access convenient multi-currency accounts and fast international payments to help grow your business.

Registered sole proprietors

Running a business can be a balancing act, so we’ve made the finance part simple and hassle free.

Make and receive payments – domestic and international – and sell across multiple marketplaces all from a single platform.

  • Keep more of what you make

    Transparent payments, low FX margins and competitive rates help you keep your business’s costs down

  • Handle global payments like a local

    Make fast and efficient international payments from local accounts and send overseas invoices in local currencies

  • Manage business funds with ease

    Transfer funds or make payments when you’re ready – funds are held with our trusted banking partners that are members of the FDIC

  • Fuel your marketplace growth

    Sell products on 100+ marketplaces around the world to keep your products and payments moving

Zyla’s got you covered

The free-to-open Zyla Account enables businesses to make international payments like a local – giving you the freedom to do business anywhere with the security of our online platform. Business funds are held with our trusted banking partners that are FDIC members.

  • Pay and collect in multiple currencies from a single platform
  • Make fast and secure international payments online 24/7
  • Save with competitive rates and low fees on FX, international and local payments
Open a free account